Any information provided to Scale Distribution is treated in strict confidence and will not be disclosed to any third party. Occasionally, we may contact companies regarding additional services we provide that may be of interest.
You hold the right to request that no further contact be made by us for marketing purposes at any time. If you would like us to stop contacting you please use this email link requesting removal from our mailing list.
Scale Distribution Confidentiality & Information Barrier Policy
Every Scale employee understands the importance of confidentiality and has read and signed the Company's confidentiality and information barrier policy. Employees are aware of the sanctions should they be in breach of this policy.
As a Customs Authorised Economic Operator our safety and security systems have been fully audited by HMRC. Scale Distribution Limited is subject to an annual audit by third parties and LME auditors.
Health and Safety
General Statement of Health and Safety Policy
1.1 SCALE DISTRIBUTION LIMITED acknowledges and accepts its statutory responsibilities for securing the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, of contractors working on premises over which it has control and of visiting members of the public.
1.2 The Company will provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, in particular ensuring, as far as reasonably practicable that:1.2.1 Adequate resources are provided to ensure that proper provision can be made for health and safety matters.
1.2.2 Risk Assessments are carried out and periodically reviewed.
1.2.3 Systems of work are provided and maintained that are safe and with minimal risks to health.
1.2.4 All employees receive information, training and supervision in how to carry out their work with regard to their safety and the safety of others.
1.2.5 The provision and maintenance of all plant, machinery and equipment is safe and without risk to health.
1.2.6 The working environment is safe and without risk to health and that adequate provision is made with regard to the facilities and arrangements for the welfare of staff at work.
1.2.7 Contractors and visitors are made aware of the procedures and rules in place to safeguard health and safety.
1.2.8 Safety factors are given important consideration when any changes are made to the Company's operation or when new equipment is specified and installed.
Our Health and Safety policy is regularly reviewed in order to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
The Health and Safety Policy is available on request.